happy new year ×

Ordinary VIP membership benefits

  1. Register to receive points

Upon successful registration, you will receive 200 points as a bonus. Points can be used to redeem coupons and improve membership levels.

  1. Exclusive shipping discount

When members submit international package "waybills" for settlement, the system will automatically calculate the discount based on the exclusive shipping discount corresponding to the member's corresponding VIP level.

  1. Points redemption coupon

  2. Free warehousing

The normal shelf life for purchasing and transporting packages on behalf of others is 90 days (approximately 3 months), calculated from the order status of "stored". If the order exceeds 80days, an email will be sent to kindly remind users to submit the package waybill. If the package waybill is not submitted or no feedback is provided after 90 days, the product will be considered abandoned. Eastmallbuy will uniformly dispose of expired products.